Thursday, June 7, 2007

seven lazy steps

For much of my life, I've been interested in spiritual practice or the idea of what spiritual practice may be. I've experimented with many different befief systems and practices but haven't followed through on any. I can say that I "use to" about many things such as meditation, yoga, martial arts and although I sometimes pray, It isn't everyday. The only spiritual practice that I've been continuously involved in would be painting. I think painting is a spiritual practice when there is intent for the process to be so. I'm not sure the intent is always present but it often resurfaces as a consideration, at least. Anyway when I was presented with "The Seven Lazy Steps" , a series of seven affirmations each coinciding with a chakra, I was initially attracted to them because they seemed to represent a practice that I may be able to follow through on (never could work those 12 steps), but I haven't. I have howevever allowed the concept of affirmations relating to specific chakras to provide a framework for a series of paintings.

The paintings I've been working on are largely inspired by my perception of energy and how it relates to my perception of the outside world. The dimensions of the paintings, numbers relating to compostion and color palette are elements of a system designed to create objects representative of a human energy field.

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